
Website for the research group

Preparing a new website for a research group is a task worthy of the most valuable grant. We have already gathered a lot of experience in this field, we understand how to design websites reflecting the unique character of a scientific institution – the barely tangible atmosphere prevailing in the building of the University or during scientific symposia.

The New Ethos Laboratory is a research group founded by dr hab. Katarzyna Budzyńska and dr hab. Marcin Koszowy, associated with the International Center for Formal Ontology (ICFO) at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology. We’ve got to admit that one thing connects us with the Laboratory: the attention upon communication and strategies for creating specific impressions in the recipient. New Ethos explores ways of interpersonal communication in the contexts of logic, philosophy of language, pragmatics, and artificial intelligence (and already possess impressive scientific achievements in these fields).

The ARPI Network’s point of view is, of course, somewhat different. While “ethos” is a carrier of value, websites are a carrier of information and impressions. Our task was to design and implement modern solutions, optimal for the client’s identity.

Ethos in websites

We are proud of the shape our project has taken – somewhat contrary to the trends prevailing on the internet. Since philosophy and social sciences thrive on scientific publication and print, we felt it appropriate to focus on fonts, typefaces, and aesthetics. Text blocks have lightness, pronounced spacing, well-defined separation, and an attractive font reminiscent of the print of a philosophical treatise. Visual elements appear on the website only in carefully thought-out places. For example, on the Research Area subpage, based on a photo-reference grid with evocative photographs, or in the Laboratory section, where black and white photos of group members serve as links to their private space with a summary of their research activities. The whole page concludes with a winter mountains landscape set in a footer. As a result, we designed a minimalistic and sharp website, free from overloading photos or video materials. It adequately reflects the spirit of the New Ethos Laboratory, while emphasizing the aura of their scientific interests. Feel free to dig into our project: https://newethos.org

ARPI Network is a part of ARPI Group, a Norwegian holding which started to operate in Poland in 2001.
